





                                Satisfaction Survey

It might be used at the beginning of coaching process.

1.               How do you feel at our school?
b.      Very good
c.       Good
d.      I’m stressed during the lessons
e.      I have some problems with my schoolmates
f.        I have been bullied
g.      I have some problems with the teachers
h.      I get bad marks
i.        Others problems...........................
1.      Do you like studying?
a.      Yes
b.      Yes but only the subjects I’m interested In
c.       Rather no
d.      No
2.      Do you take an active part in the lessons?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      No
3.      In your opinion, are the lessons interesting?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Yes, but only some
d.      Rather no
e.      No
4.      Choose the best ways of making lessons more attractive:
a.       Interactive whiteboards in the classrooms
b.      Tablets for students to use during the lessons
c.       Active methods more often used during the lessons
d.      Lessons in the museums, at universities, in libraries, high schools, labs, places of work
5.      Which of the values presented below are the most important for you? (choose from 1 to 3 options)
a.      Independence
b.      Money
c.       Leadership
d.      Successes
e.      Helping others
f.        Personal development
g.      Education
h.      Family life
6.      Are there any interesting extra-curricular activities at your school?
a.      Yes, a lot. I take part in ............................................................
b.      Yes, but I do not take part in them
c.       I’m not interested in activities organised by school
d.      I take part in activities organised at other places:
7.      Do your parents support your education?
a.      Yes, it’s really important for them
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      No
e.      Other possibilities.............................................................
8.      What are your plans for the further education?
a.      Vocational school
b.      Technical high school e.g. electronic, economical, gastronomic
c.       High school
d.      Vocation high school e.g. art, aviation, army
9.      Are you planning to study at the university?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
10.  Are you  learning  things that will help you when you grow up?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
11.  Do you  have the opportunity  to get guidance for your learning difficulties?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
12.  Can you talk to your  teachers when you  have a problem?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
13.  Do you  feel happy and important at your school?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
14.  Do you  receive sufficient feedback on your studies?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................


Mid-term Survey
It might be useful as a questionnaire after a few  coaching sessions.
1.      How do you feel after this first period at school?
Good/very good/no problems/some problems
2.      How is your relationship with your classmates improved?
Much/not much/no problems/none
3.      How is your relationship with teachers improved?
Much/not much/no problems/none
4.       How is the relationship with your studying improved?
Much/not much/no problems/none
5.      Do you like your school life?
Much/not much/very much/none
6.      Would you like your parents being more present in your school life?
Yes / no/ only sometimes
7.      How do you think Erasmus project could help in our school life?
Much/ not much/very much/none





COACHING – set of materials
I.                  Satisfaction Survey
It might be used at the beginning of coaching process.

1.               How do you feel at our school?
b.      Very good
c.       Good
d.      I’m stressed during the lessons
e.      I have some problems with my schoolmates
f.        I have been bullied
g.      I have some problems with the teachers
h.      I get bad marks
i.        Others problems...........................
1.      Do you like studying?
a.      Yes
b.      Yes but only the subjects I’m interested In
c.       Rather no
d.      No
2.      Do you take an active part in the lessons?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      No
3.      In your opinion, are the lessons interesting?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Yes, but only some
d.      Rather no
e.      No
4.      Choose the best ways of making lessons more attractive:
a.       Interactive whiteboards in the classrooms
b.      Tablets for students to use during the lessons
c.       Active methods more often used during the lessons
d.      Lessons in the museums, at universities, in libraries, high schools, labs, places of work
5.      Which of the values presented below are the most important for you? (choose from 1 to 3 options)
a.      Independence
b.      Money
c.       Leadership
d.      Successes
e.      Helping others
f.        Personal development
g.      Education
h.      Family life
6.      Are there any interesting extra-curricular activities at your school?
a.      Yes, a lot. I take part in ............................................................
b.      Yes, but I do not take part in them
c.       I’m not interested in activities organised by school
d.      I take part in activities organised at other places:
7.      Do your parents support your education?
a.      Yes, it’s really important for them
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      No
e.      Other possibilities.............................................................
8.      What are your plans for the further education?
a.      Vocational school
b.      Technical high school e.g. electronic, economical, gastronomic
c.       High school
d.      Vocation high school e.g. art, aviation, army
9.      Are you planning to study at the university?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
10.  Are you  learning  things that will help you when you grow up?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
11.  Do you  have the opportunity  to get guidance for your learning difficulties?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
12.  Can you talk to your  teachers when you  have a problem?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
13.  Do you  feel happy and important at your school?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................
14.  Do you  receive sufficient feedback on your studies?
a.      Yes
b.      Rather yes
c.       Rather no
d.      Definitely no
e.      Other options ...................................................................

II.               List of Values
It may be used at the stage of setting goals by students at the beginning of coaching sessions.
Make a list of values you and your family have. If the decision or action overlaps with your values, then go ahead. If not, change it. Here is a chart to help you while making an important decision.
Decision to be made
Is it compatible with my values?

Is it compatible with the rules?

What are the advantages?

What are the disadvantages?

What is the short-term effect?

What is the long-term effect?

What is definitely essential in your decision?

What is important for you?

What do you want?

III.        Student Individual Plan
It may be used at the begining of coachung sessions: to complete by a coach and a student

Name and Surname



Person Responsible:


Material resources
Human Resources

Personalised attention

Complimentary worksheets

Social Worker

Computer and internet


Doctors-Psychologists - Psicopedagogics

Social Services
Support and extracurricular activities

Social worker

Parent association

Social educator

Private lessons


Home carer

Extracurricular activities

Private doctors and private psycologists


Social services




(Summary of knowledge and student habilities in relation to each of the curricular areas. Data extracted from last reports and their evaluation in the competences report,...)

Personal, social and autonomy habits


Attends class regularly.


Usually brings the materials needed.

Takes care of themselves and his hygiene.

Has good relationship with classmates.

Listens to peers’ opinions.

Understand what they are told.

Is able to start and keep a conversation.

Knows how to say thank you.

Is able to give and follow instructions.

Is aware of their feelings and emotions and is able to express how they feel.

Knows how to negotiate and reach agreements

Willingness to learn

Writes down homework in his school diary.

IV.           Motivation Workshop Outline
Workshop might be used on two - three lessons or a separate activity to raise students’ motivation. It consists of ‘Motivation Workshop Outline’ and 3 attachments – worksheets for students.
Subject: How to push yourself to get there? The importance of motivation in a person's life.
Workshop objectives:
  • Students will obtain significant information about motivation and its importance in a person’s life.
  • Students will gain the knowledge about the determinants which motivate and demotivate us while learning and working.
  • Young people will be encouraged to work on their own motivation.

Teaching aids: post-it notes, grey paper, illustrations of ‘humans’, attachment No. 1 – ‘Your style of behaviour’, attachment No. 2 – ‘Determinants which motivate and demotivate learning and working’.
Teaching methods: mini-lecture, discussion, individual and group work, worksheets.
Time: 90 minutes.
  1. Introduction greet the students. Explain the subject and discuss the workshop objectives. Then determine the rules of work.
  2. Mini-lecture about motivation, different kinds of motivation and its role in a person’s life.
  3. Individual reflection on motivation and self-motivation based on the illustration of ‘humans’. The teacher distributes worksheets with a graphical presentation of various behaviors (Attachment No.1) and emotional states of the ‘humans’ placed around the tree (climbing, falling, sitting on the branch which is being undercut, swinging, sitting on the top, etc.). The students’ task is to choose one of the characters that best reflects their attitude to work in the workshop.
  4. Exercise ‘Sportsperson’ – the teacher tells a life story of an outstanding sportsperson (e.g. Justyna Kowalczyk, Sebastian Karaś, Robert Lewandowski) who for many years of their career was highly successful but was highly disappointing during the last major competition. During an interview students give possible reasons for the sportsperson’s failure. The task for the students is to write on the board all possible excuses that an athlete could give, e.g. ‘I was overtrained’, ‘I was ill’, ‘The equipment failed’, ‘The opponent was in a better shape’, ‘Bad weather conditions’, etc. When all the suggestions are written down, the group determines which factors are internal ones (I) and which are external ones (E). This exercise is finished with a discussion on the influence of external and internal motivation on our successes and failures.
  5. Students receive worksheets (attachment No.2) – ‘Your style of behaviour’ and choose from answers ‘a’ or ‘b’ the ones, which best reflect their behaviour and decision-making.  Students discuss the results of the exercise in pairs and then present their conclusions to the group.
  6. Students receive worksheets (attachment No.3) - ‘Determinants which motivate and demotivate learning and working’ and fill them in following the given instructions. Afterwards, they choose 3 most important ‘motivators’ and ‘demotivators’ from the selected answers and write them down on post-it notes which are later placed on a board/paper sheet. The teacher, along with the students, divides the answers into groups, puts them in a table and then encourages the students to discuss the results of the exercise by asking some questions.
  7. Review. A list of ideas on ‘How to remove negative factors which decrease our motivation?’ is prepared.
  8. Closing. Students are given small post-it notes and assess their participation in the workshops by drawing ‘smileys’: happy, neutral or sad. Later, they stick the post-it notes to the board when leaving the classroom.

Source: K. Druczak, M. Mańturz, M. Mrozek, Rozwijam skrzydła – poradnik metodyczny dla wychowawców gimnazjum w zakresie doradztwa zawodowego, Warszawa 2013.
ATTACHEMENT No. 1  Illustration of ‘Humans’
Autor: Karolina Żelazowska

Choose one of the ‘humans’ who best describes your feelings at the moment? Colour that person and tell us about your mood.

ATTACHEMENT No. 2  ‘Your style of behaviour’
Which option suits you best.  Choose A or B
1.You are offered a part in a school play. Which one would you choose?
a) a main, effective part focusing people’s attention
b) a peripheral one but giving you a chance to show your acting skills
2. You are to read at least one book in a month’s time. Which one would you choose?
a) one book suggested by a teacher
b) two long books out of your own choice
3. You can enrol in a language course. Which one would you choose?
a) an easier one
b) a more difficult but more interesting one
4. Two people have invited you to go to a party with them. Who would you go with?
a) a well-known person worth being seen with
b) an interesting person but less popular
5. Which would give you more satisfaction ?
a) tidying up your room to get pocket money
b) tidying your room out of your own choice
6. What is most important for you?
a) quantity
b) quality
7. When do you think you learn the most?
a) when you learn to get a better school mark
b) when you learn what you are interested in
8. You can choose a sport. Which one would you take up?
a) the one you can more easily succeed in and get trophies
b) the one that would give you a lot of joy and happiness
9. You have two job offers. Which one would you choose?
a) a well-paid one
b) a more interesting one compatible with your interests but with lower salary
10. What influences your most important decisions?
a) other people’s opinions
b) your own opinions
Sum up A answers: …………………………….
Sum up B answers: …………………………….
If you have 8 or more A answers you are probably motivated from the outside. It’s more important for you what others think about you.
If you have 8 or more B answers you are motivated from the inside. You motivate yourself and your self-esteem is important to you.
None score is better or worse. Sometimes it’s better to follow both your internal and external motivation. It’s important to value other people’s opinion but at the same time be faithful to your values.

ATTACHEMENT No. 3 “Determinants which motivate and demotivate learning and working”
1. Choose  and underline the factors that motivate you and increase your commitment to work.
Friends’ admiration
Parents’/teachers’ acknowledge
Legitimacy/sense of fulfilment of  a task
The chance to get on success
Other people’ trust
Good atmosphere at school/home
Material rewards
Important and clear objectives
Readiness to learn new skills/knowledge
Good atmosphere
The chance to gain advantage over others
Readiness to match up to others
Others ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Choose  and underline the factors that demotivate you and decrease your motivation and commitment to work.
Lack of parents’ acknowledge
Useless, unnecessary task
Lack of work results
Too distant goal
Lack of reward
Being afraid of defeat
Teachers’ incompetence
Uncertainty of success
Conflict with others
Lack of confidence
Fear of being distinctive in a group
Negative appraisal (criticism)
Frequent objectives change
Difficult work conditions
Too big effort/input into work
Fear of success
Faintly defined goal
Others …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

V.              Mid-term Survey
It might be useful as a questionnaire after a few  coaching sessions.
1.      How do you feel after this first period at school?
Good/very good/no problems/some problems
2.      How is your relationship with your classmates improved?
Much/not much/no problems/none
3.      How is your relationship with teachers improved?
Much/not much/no problems/none
4.       How is the relationship with your studying improved?
Much/not much/no problems/none
5.      Do you like your school life?
Much/not much/very much/none
6.      Would you like your parents being more present in your school life?
Yes / no/ only sometimes
7.      How do you think Erasmus project could help in our school life?
Much/ not much/very much/none

VI.           Observation Chart
It might be used by teachers – coaches during coaching session with students at risk of drop out. It helps to control the process of undertaken activities and the progress gained by coachees. The following Observation Chart has been created by teachers – coaches and it is only a sample of such educational tools.
Student’s information: ………………….
Age: ……………….
Nationality: ……………………….
Student’s Level/Class: ………………………….

Basic information about the coached student, anything that might help during the coaching sessions and activities e.g. cultural and ethnical background, educational and personal experience, social-economical status of the family, risk of dropping out.
Why was a coaching process determined for this student?
A piece of information about the initial process of the coaching sessions: who the student was invited by, how she/he was chosen and why.
When did the coaching activity begin?
The date or the period of the school year.

How long did it last?
The date or the period of the school year; frequency of the sessions/activities.

Who began the coaching activity?
The name of the teacher or the team of teachers.

Who has done the follow-up of the whole process?
The name of the teacher or the team of teachers.

What actions have been done?
Description of all actions in which the student participated during coaching sessions and introducing their results.
1.       Action: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Description of impact and results during the coaching sessions.

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