Tuesday, 7 February 2017


Most surely you know somebody who has abandoned school earlier than expected...
Why do you think a teenager may abandon schooling? What are the possible reasons for it?
and... what's more... could you think of possible strategies to avoid it? to help them go on with the studies...

Tell us your ideas, they are all welcome!!


  1. The reason why there are school dropouts I think is because many students find classes boring and having to memorize a lot and in the long term and at the same time have to put up with several hours in a place that seems boring.
    We could end the school dropout by making the classes more dynamic so that the students feel like learning the lesson and at the same time not getting bored as before.
    Let's end school drop-out!!

  2. I think many students abandon their schooling for different reasons.
    The first is Cristina's, I agree with your comment, more teenagers abandon the school because they get bored.
    Another possibility is the economy. It may be that many children don't continue in the school, for the reason that their parents don't have enough money for pay the schooling.
    From my point of view we have to help the families and help the classes more fun.
    NO school drop-out

  3. Do you know anyone who has left the school?
    I say this because in the another comment I have written that one reason is the economy. My uncle had done the selectivity and he couldn't go to university because my grandparents don't have enough money, so he had to to get to work with my grandfather.

  4. Yes, sometimes these things happen...unfortunately. Selectivity as Marina says, are the official exams to enter university in Catalonia.Rather difficult, by the way..

  5. I think that is for a lot of things. First, I think is for many students aren't sure with themselves. Also I think that is because students suffer bullying or ciberbullying. I think that could be because they are bored in class and they decide leave school, they can be problems in their family or with friends. Can be for many problems or things.

  6. Many students drop out of school because they are bored, because they are not motivated enough or influenced.
    I think that in order for a student not to leave school, the classes should be more funny and not so monotonous, also many students need help to stay motivated.

  7. The problem of drop out is of course quite complicated but we have asked our students how they feel at school and the results of the surveys show that students think lessons would be more interesting if they could use more ITC gadgets like mobile phones or tablets. They also would like to go to different places to learn new things in museums, art galleries, parks and factories, animal shelter etc. Maybe these changes would help students to stay at school...

  8. I think students drop out school because in my country there is a strong economical chrysis. I don't trust school system because after graduation there is no job, so it is better to start working soon in any feels
    Alessandro - Italy
