Thursday, 1 February 2018

Brief history of Yoga - by Denis Shvets

  It is well known in today's world that among the many populary known universal ideas which originate from Hinduism.
The process of yoga encompasses all aspects of human life namely physical,psycological and spiritual.
Millions of people around the world are into yoga in some form the other.
Therefore , it is important that we not only have a good knowledge of yoga , but also practice it. This is particulary important for Hindus since Yoga has originated from Hinduism . In spite of its popularity it is uncertain whether everyone understands the full scope of Yoga.Maharishi Patanjali has given us very important details regarding the mental operations and the obstacles to be overcome in the path of Yoga. It is clear that overcoming these obstacles will help us in all aspects of life .
The eight-steps from yoga sutras of Ashtanga.
1.YAMA:this step contains five sub-steps, which need to be practiced in the domains of thought,speech and action. Non-Violence, Thruthfuless, Non-Covetedness ,Continence , Non-receiving
2.NIYAMA:this step also contains five sub-steps,which need to be practiced in the domains of thought , speech and action.Cleanliness Contentment Austerity scriptural Study Surrender to God These two steps when practiced fully , provide the seeker the self-control and disciplines which becomes the preparation to the next two steps
4.PRAANAYAMA in Asanas, the body is held steady in postures drawn from observing animals and nature such as a tree,mountain etc.In Pranaanayama,control of vital forces is focused through proper regulation of breathing under strict supervision of a qualified Guru.
5.PRATYAAHARA:in this step,the yogi practices whithdrawing the mind from senses and multiplicity of thoughts . The withdrawn mind is then directed towards inner-self.
6.DHAARANA: deals with the development of the ability of the indrawn mind to focus and concentrate on Sacred Object
7.DHYAANA: referred  as meditation,is continuous contemplation or concentration on the Sacred Object.Meditation is to be achieved like a lamp in the absence of flickering wind
8.SAMADHI: This step refers to an experience of transcendental state of balance and deep spiritual absorption .This is an individual internaliuced experience .

                    ( Research done by Denis Shvets)

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